Welcome to Clinic Queen Bee Beautiful. This is a place for you to discover the most cutting edge, natural, non-invasive facial and massage treatments that give incredible results.
My treatments provide a powerful way of rebalancing the mind as-well as restoring and rejuvenating the natural beauty of your skin. They are, quite simply beautiful and beneficial experiences at the same time. In your facial treatment expect to feel pampered and restored. Every treatment is designed to give maximum results that are personalised to you. Every massage will bring deep relaxation to restore harmony and balance to your mind and body.
This unique collection of Treatments available for you is the product of a long journey that covers many years of my own experience of treatments worldwide together with my own extensive research leading to the discovery of the very latest innovations that will change our perception of what a beauty treatment really is and what it should do. I truly believe that the most powerful and effective facial treatments are those that are beneficial for the body, mind and spirit. I've therefore sought to train with the very best providers and in this I am truly grateful to Ziggie Bergman for allowing me to train in Zone Face Lift with her. For sharing her experience with the Shaman in California and her knowledge in her ground-breaking work on Facial Reflexology that led to the creation of Zone Face Lift. Having trained extensively with Ziggie over the past 2 years, I am not only a Zone Face Lift practitioner which includes Facial Reflexology (Bergman Method) but also a Gua Sha Master.
Most recently I am excited to be able to bring Rejuvotherapy to my treatment menu, created by Abigail James from 20 years of unparalleled experience, this is facial massage at its very best, a results driven facial with the ultimate visible outcome: youthful radiance and emotional harmony.
My own personal journey of discovery of beauty treatments started in France where I lived for several years in my twenties - this completely changed my mind set about what it is to self-care and why it should not be a source of guilt but simply a part of our self-development and everyday lives, ultimately enabling us to fall in love with who we really are and not how we are perceived through the filter of a number that is our age, especially as women. Since that time I have sought out new treatments in every destination I have travelled to and will continue to do so for many years. However, this place is not for you to think about my journey but to discover yours...
As a therapist, I believe facials, together with body massage are a vital part of our self care that embraces the wellbeing of the mind, body and spirit to bring back the most beautiful vitality and glow to our skin enabling us to feel vibrant and fully awakened to life's possibilities again.